i went to too many birthday-parties it seems, eheheh (my mothers boyfriend uwe celebrated last saturday and my neighbour on monday) cause i am having a fuckin cold now. my feet feel like stucked in an ice-block and my nose is red because of using tissues nonstop.
i pulled a sicky and will curl up in bed today with tea tea tea, tons of bocks and dvd´s and my sooo loved hot-water-bottle mr king louie...

for the rest: wild wedding-party organisations, busy busy busy, but its fun to do and i am looking forward to it. can´t wait! 180 people answered "yes, we will be there" so far !! great !
our mead is nearly ready to drink as well. next wednesday we will have a first test-drink...
i am thinking about to have a christmas-adventcalender here on my blog. i am not sure about exactly how and what but it could be a daily post for example with creative stuff to do, interesting christmas related links, crafty stuff, quotes, recipes and stuff like that.
actually i wanted to make a winter-zine, but i won´t finish it in time so i thought to just change the form, you know, and publish the stuff right here instead of making the zine....yep, i think i will do that !
and here are some links, as usual:
nosy calligraphy by wu xubin
unbelievable amazing mail art stuff
and a clever installation
omg, you haaaveeee to watch this cutie lovely little missy and follow her story. her imagination is soooooo amazing and she is so cute !
photography by fred muram
simple and quite cool idea: magnetic curtain - any shape you want
how to remember stuff
colour in your t-shirt: albinos
Air Lines is an art project showing worldwide airliner routes. Every single scheduled flight on any given day is reresented by a fine line from it's point of origin to it's port of destination.
have a look here
photoshop as real as it gets
i love this blog
it features photos of people kissing and generally feeling twitterpated.
it is the best thing in teh world, isn´t it !?!? :)
view some realistic effects here
amazing crochet work by joana vasconcelos
and again some food art
"creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun." (mary lou cook)
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