the photo above shows the stuff that i prepared to apply for the international graphic triennale.
i send photos of three of my erotic woodcuts and also of the turntable installation. the deadline is on thursday this week. there will be a first selection via a jury until the end of march...so we will see....
i finished the soundsketchbook track last night and i have send the book to jeff today.
i am not posting any photos or sound here about that now because i want to keep it a surprise for jeff until he recives the stuff via snail mail...but more to come about that hopefully around about wednesday or thursday...
currently i prepare some stuff for the wetpaintexpo in arnhem next weekend. uuh, i am really last minute that time. just two days left...
i canceled the butoh-dance-video recordings for this month, because i didn´t made it to lent a good camera. i will make those recordings at some time between february and march !!!
i think i will try to lent a camery at my "old" uni in arnhem...
i watched "the motorcycle diaries" yesterday, based on the travel diaries of the young che guevara and i was really touched...
still reading markus heitz: sanctum, but nearly finished.
and i am still reading the first book of the russian tetralogie nochnoir dozor (night watch). its really good.
the film is brilliant, too.
i also started the childrens novel theo´s odyssey, which is about the worlds different religions. i have this book since ages and it seems that now the time came to read it...
for the rest: life is a fuckin bitch at some times...
gosh, your doing loads babe!! don't overload yourself.
everything seems exciting so good luck with everything.
i sent you more mail today.
hi rach,
thank you for leaving a comment !
i am doing my best to not overload myself, but everything is so fuckin exciting !!!
speak soon luv!
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