i had cpf mail. yesterday the growing pastcard, the collage postcard and the architecture piece arrived. and today i recived another word association poastcard. for more details check out the cpf blog !
also the aluviana cd´s arrived ! i am so happy that they don´t got lost during their journey from slovenia to germany. now i have some VERY good stuff to listen to... d(-_-)b
currently i am back to some "old" stuff. i am updating my website and because of that i looked through some old sketchbooks and documentation material from the last two years. mainly stuff related to my turntable installation from last summer. and i realised that there had been lots of side-experiments, side-notes and side-ideas which would actually be fuckin interesting to be picked up again and to be explored further. i will post more of that material on my (soon) updated version of my website. here are just some first impressions:
the turntable installation is based on a serie of experiments using CD´s as etching sheets on the one hand and using CD´s as rekords on the other hand. its quite easy to scratch into them and kinda draw and later print them like an etching sheet. at the same time i was experimenting with different kind of materials used as rekords on a turntable, for example different kinds of metall, glass, different kinds of card, plastic, wood and CD´s (front and back).
i changed and modified their "natural" texture by scratching (draw) into them, by adding different kind of tape and other materials like sand, gips or just glue to get kinda rhytmic clicks on the one hand or more complex textures of sound/noise (depending on the complexity of the texture of the used/added material) on the other hand. also i experimented with different kind of needles and pick ups, for example i soldered different kinds of wire to the turntable-pick-up or i used wire soldered to piezos to pick up and amplify teh sounds. so finally a year of wide experiments ended up in the turntable installation that i created for the "expo 2007" in arnhem last summer. now i see that the whole process left me with a bunch of questions, interests and ideas which are worth it to be picked up again to explore them further.
what i see now quite clearly is the fact that i should focus more on just SOME things. i mean, i am always busy with lots of (different) ideas and projects at the same time. on the one hand i like that, its quite natural for me and i think kinda my way of working. on the other hand this could cause the fact to kinda lose important and simply interesting ideas in this whole bunch of different ideas and projects. i should kinda go deeper instead of wider, find the essence, eheheh, another kinda destillation piece so to say....
currently my mind explodes because of new "old" ideas for installations and live-performance stuff based on that what i described above and maybe now the time has come to explore them deeper and further adn destilate it to new work. after a time of a distance i can see much more clearly. i have quite detailed plans for two installations and currently i am working on to get them realised. more coming soon ...
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